Marukyu Yolk Microfishing Bait

$ 12.99
$ 12.99
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This ready made egg yolk based bait works on most micro species of fish. You simply mix it with water at a 3:1 ratio and roll it into a small ball. Then drag your micro fishing hook across the ball. Some of the sticky bait will attach to your hook and you're ready to fish.

Use a micro fishing baiting tool if you'd like a cleaner and easier to way to apply bait to tiny hooks. 

This ready made egg yolk based bait works on most micro species of fish. You simply mix it with water at a 3:1 ratio and roll it into a small ball. Then drag your micro fishing hook across the ball. Some of the sticky bait will attach to your hook and you're ready to fish.

Use a micro fishing baiting tool if you'd like a cleaner and easier to way to apply bait to tiny hooks.