Airflo Euro Nymph Clear Fly Line

$ 24.99
$ 24.99 $ 54.99
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Airflo Euro Nymph Clear fly line was designed for stealth euro nymphing. Get the fly in the strike zone without spooking the fish. 

At a mere .55mm in diameter, the Euro Nymph Clear is the ultimate in both stealth and performance. Its Mono Core provides a little extra cushion when fishing with ultra fine tippets. Also FIPS compliant.

This is our favorite Euro or "contact nymphing" line.

Airflo Euro Nymph Clear fly line was designed for stealth euro nymphing. Get the fly in the strike zone without spooking the fish. 

At a mere .55mm in diameter, the Euro Nymph Clear is the ultimate in both stealth and performance. Its Mono Core provides a little extra cushion when fishing with ultra fine tippets. Also FIPS compliant.

This is our favorite Euro or "contact nymphing" line.